Archive for February, 2022

2022, New You. Tiger with Wings

February 3, 2022

Well, I’ve had this whole kinderhood thing going on since I was young. I have a few friends that know me still and anyone who has known me knows that seems like I’m in many places at once.

Back in college I was trying to figure out what was going on with me. I had a lot of aches and pains. So few of them were from real pain or a real ache unless it’s a part of me that was aching to get out. I’ve done all I can to help others and care about others and let them know that they’re special and all of that. We make mistakes along the way and we do our best, at least most of us do.

This year starts a whole new bunch of stuff for me. Worries are so heavy now a days. I have decided that I gotta stop caring about stuff. It is a double edged sword, seemingly. I am done caring about how it will turn out. I know how it will all turn out for everyone. I am determined to just be me. Do as many of the things I dreamed of doing in this dream as I can. I have been, didn’t know it would take such a turn, but we are handling it. I am.. I am hopeful it isn’t going to keep getting more challenging. It probably will.

Over the next months, Imma do all I can to just let the bright shining light of divinity come out and live through me. We all seem to have a challenge and another and another on our life path. I am lucky and fortunate enough to explore it. Explore what and who I am…still… It is a process of shedding and regrowing. This process will probably continue on the same as it has been..confusing and wonderful and so many pains along the way.

I have set up the whole dollhouse, the flight-deck, the best hanger I can muster with the meager tools I have, the library, the gym, the dancefloor. It is time to get more work done… 2022.. it will surely be new for me. I hope everyone can find the bright light inside themselves. The Year of the Tiger

Happy New Year.

First Day of the Lunar New Year

February 1, 2022

I’m doing it right this year. Self respect at least. Going to value what I have left of my time here, and I may be in a tough fight, all the people around me gotta respect themselves and that I am dealing with an invisible fight. Something bright is still inside my heart. It has been a wild new life to learn about. No one is going to push me down or back or off my path.

Your cat is a small Tiger waiting for the right time. I’m the big kitty and no one will be in my way. I have the strength to succeed and survive.