I see them wings, I hear them too. The queen don’t go far… sends out them hard workers to fly high.

It is my sister bee’s birthday. Sometimes we want it to be special for everyone, other times, maybe just another day. I don’t remember a lot of them…. I am starting to not care anymore what I don’t remember. I just want to go get the good stuff and get home ok.

Today I have a mission, and have been separating me from my aches and pains, my emotional stuff and even my small momentary trips to somewhere else to save the world.. just go. It is hard to do it, but u take ur love and put urself forth. I walk a lot. That is the one thing I could worry about. Gotta go. Life is the adventure. Even when u might and have woke up on the floor or worse. I got up, today, and have got to dreaming already.

I hope that I can make this word-spot a place to let out the inner me… The one that has persisted thru all the falls, tears, woke up where’s??, and the use to be’s….

I’ll get this sorted out…..

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